Cooper's Hawk: "Beauty of the Moment"
What more can there be than the beauty of the present moment?
A cold and crisp Winter morning in a small wooded haven.
Life has cheated death once again in their age old struggle.
What more can there be than the beauty of the present moment?
I took these photos on December 13, 2024. I watched this Cooper's Hawk glide past me and dive at a Red Squirrel.
The squirrel evaded the hawk several times and hid under a fallen tree.
The hawk perched for a minute or two and then flew up into a tree.
The hawk looked around, waited for a few seconds, and flew off in search of more opportunities.
I saw this Cooper’s Hawk about 30 yards from a nest site that I posted about earlier this year (link below.) I think this hawk is one of the family of Cooper’s Hawks I have seen many times in 2024.
Friday was a good hike. I was able to use my snowshoes for the first time this Winter. I took a short video with my phone…love that crunchy sound of the snowshoes on the hard snow.
English - Korean:
Snow = 눈 / nun (pronounced like ‘noon’)
Beautiful pictures and lovely sijo, Neil!
Thanks for letting us walk along with you in the crunchy blue snow. I've cross-country skied, but have never hiked with snowshoes. That looks fun!