A quiet morning and the silence shattered by a Hunter’s call.
Those of the Hunted remain still and silent, revealing nothing.
What Truth connects the Hunter and the Hunted on this morning?
I took these photos on my morning hike on October 27, 2024. The park was quiet and most of the migrant birds have left. As I turned a corner on the hiking trail, I heard a ‘cak-cak-cak’ clucking call I know well: Cooper’s Hawk.
I stopped, looked up, and around. I saw this Cooper’s Hawk perched in this tree.
My encounters this year with Cooper’s Hawks have become uncanny. I am fortunate to see these Cooper’s Hawks on many of my hikes in the park.
I am beginning to believe 2024 is my Year of the Cooper’s Hawk.
English - Korean:
Cooper’s Hawk = 쿠퍼스 매 / kupeoseu mae
Hawk = 매 / mae
Tree = 나무 / namu
"What Truth connects the Hunter and the Hunted on this morning?"
A beautiful (and timely) question. Thank you, Neil.
Excellent photos, Neil—marvelous light! I love how the images provide a whole context, the bird high up in the tree, zooming in to gradually reveal more detail, then close up images to really allow us to appreciate its intricacies.