Cooper's Hawk: "Trail Hunter"
By which is form revealed: the truth of sight or the Empty Mind?
Amidst the grey dullness and gloom a silhouette stands watching.
Approaching the stoic figure: shades, colours and form takes shape.
By which is form revealed: the truth of sight or the Empty Mind?
I took these photos March 1, 2025. I was snowshoeing back to my car after seeing the Great Grey Owl when I saw this Cooper’s Hawk perched over the trail.
I approached and walked under the Cooper’s Hawk. I expected the hawk to fly off. The hawk remained perched.
I walked past the hawk and turned and looked up. The hawk remained. I watched for a few minutes and hiked back to my car. Perhaps this is the Cooper’s Hawk I saw many times in 2024.
English - Korean:
Cooper’s Hawk = 쿠퍼스 호크 / kupeoseu hokeu
Cooper’s Hawk = 쿠퍼스 매 / kupeoseu mae
Hawk = 호크 hokeu (transliterated directly from English to Korean)
Hawk = 매 / mae (Korean word for ‘hawk’)
**The transliterated word for hawk to Korean is 호크 / hokeu. The actual word hawk in Korean is 매 / mae.**
Incredible encounter with the Cooper's hawk, Neil. They weren't about to let you leave without visiting with you. The close up photo is really outstanding, especially showing the pattern of feather colors.
“By which is form revealed: the truth of sight or the Empty Mind?”
A profoundly beautiful question to take with us everywhere we go.
Sincere thanks for sharing this meditation, Neil.