(Cooper’s Hawks - photo by Neil Barker - April 7, 2024)
Red Eyes watching from above, Yellow Eyes watching from below.
Both attuned to the sights and sounds of the forest all around.
Their thoughts and spirit driving forward to live for tomorrow.
I took these photos on April 7, 2024. I decided to check up on the mated pair of Cooper’s Hawks that I have been following this year. I was fortunate to spend about 20 minutes with this pair of hawks.
The immature one (AKA Yellow Eyes) spent much of their time eating breakfast on this fallen tree. The mature adult (AKA Red Eyes) briefly swooped in and perched beside Yellow Eyes. After a minute or two, Red Eyes flew up into a nearby tree.
Yellow eyes continued eating for a few more minutes before finishing and flying into an old tree. Yellow Eyes glared down at me from above.
Red Eyes then grabbed a broken branch caught in a small tree and flew off into a nearby pine tree. Their nest is about 20 yards from this spot and I would guess they were continuing to add branches and sticks.
This has been a memorable Winter and Spring. I consider myself fortunate to have seen this pair of Cooper’s Hawks. This pair have allowed me to learn so much about them and their world. Each time I leave these Cooper’s Hawks, I wish them both well.
Wonderful essay and birds. Thank you for bringing us all along as you become better acquainted with these hawks.
Beautiful birds; the intelligence shines on their faces, notably their eyes.