(Northern Cardinal - photo by Neil Barker - January 2024)
Concealed among a tangle of bare branches, heard before seen.
Curious and observant, now out in the open waiting.
The opportunity to eat has come, swooping in for more.
I took these photos on January 1, 2024. This male Northern Cardinal was in the trees at a trail intersection. I heard him chirp several times and I looked to see if I could find him. He flew closer and landed on this branch. I was lucky to get these photos.
There are about a dozen male and female Northern Cardinals in the area. I have seen them on many occasions - especially if I drop sunflower seeds and peanuts for the Black-capped Chickadees. The Northern Cardinals wait until I am further down the trail before swooping in and eating the seeds.
I will throw a few handfuls of seeds on the ground near the base of these trees. I think it helps protect the birds as they are partly hidden by branches and out of sight from Cooper’s Hawks or Merlins. This part of the park is open meadow with shorter trees and it is mostly Black-capped Chickadees and Northern Cardinals this time of year.
A delightful way to start the day- with a handsome male cardinal and beautiful poem. Thanks, Neil!
Great photos! Not seeing in cardinals at the feeder today, mostly sparrows and Juncos. I guess they gotta eat too!