wonderful work

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Thank you Janoskar.

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Excellent photos and wonderful storytelling of a special encounter with these hawks. You have had so many wonderful run-ins with Cooper’s Hawks!

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Thanks James. I definitely count myself fortunate to see the Cooper's Hawks in this area!

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I love the photos; each speaks a thousand words.

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Thank Perry - I owe all of it to luck and timing and the local crows alerting me. :)

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Excellent Sijo, Neil, as always

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Thank you Michael and very much appreciated. I had to stew on this sijo for awhile.

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They are marvelous! Thank you for this peek into their world.

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Thank you Marilyn and I agree - they're a marvelous bird to observe!

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There is one who visits my yard, swooping in to hunt the birds I feed with bird seed. You could say my whole yard is a hawk bird feeder.

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Hi Logan and that sounds like an interesting experience to observe. I do feel sympathetic to the smaller birds and squirrels but remind myself that the hawks are part of the natural lifecycle.

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You should see this narrow, ground level space underneath a bush that he dove through like a jet going under a bridge.

I tell him 'Dude, I know you gotta eat, but go eat somebody else's birds."

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Always in awe of your photos. Love the "eternal Now."

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Thanks MK CREEL and very much appreciated. So much of the photos is pure luck and timing. Happy that Nature allows me a peek! :)

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Luck, timing … and a gift. Each one.

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Wonderful post, Neil. The poem really sets the stage for the observations and photos of the hawks. It’s fascinating to think of them as the offspring of the hawks that you have previously observed and it’s fun, as well, to learn about their behavior. A true legacy.

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Thanks Heidi and very much appreciated. This was my thought too about them being the offspring of those adults. I do hope to encounter them again.

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Cooper's Hawk! Love these images so much.

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Thanks Sarah and much appreciated! So much luck and timing and the local Crows tipping me off. :)

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I've had some really magical crow interactions in the last few days, so this makes me really happy.

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What a beauty! Great post and photos, Neil! I haven't had a hawk encounter for a while, thanks so much for the fix.

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Thanks Pamela and much appreciated! This encounter was a great fix for me too as it'd been awhile. May you see a hawk soon! :)

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Thank you Neil! I have seen a sharp-shinned a couple of times but it’s been quick and on the move. Keeping my eyes open for them though!

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These are great photos of a Cooper’s hawk!

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Thanks John and much appreciated! Sometimes Nature allows a few precious moments to get a few images.

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I went back and looked at the previous posts in this series. I loved them all. You have gotten really exceptional access to this awesome natural family and have documented it beautifully.

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Thanks John. I definitely count myself as fortunate being able to see this pair and their fledglings.

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I sent a picture of a Cooper’s hawk to the seniors at the senior citizen’s complex in our neighborhood as a volunteer for my community initiative for sharing the habitats in our river valley valley so many wanted more so this is great to have. Thanks

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Hi Sherry and that's great to hear about sharing the Cooper's Hawk photo for the community initiative. One thing I like about Cooper's Hawk is that they are found in the urban and residential areas so easier to see by those living in the community. Happy to share.

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