Great Grey Owl: "Blending In"
What thoughts rise and fall to be lost in the background of memory?
On the edge of the world, a ghostly presence sleepily awaits.
The greyness of appearance blending with the dull surroundings.
What thoughts rise and fall to be lost in the background of memory?
I took these photos March 1, 2025. I was snowshoeing and nearing the end of my hike. My crow buddies were following and collecting peanut taxes when they quickly flew off ahead of me. I heard crows cawing a few hundred yards away. I followed.
I thought the crows had seen a Red Fox or Cooper’s Hawk. I caught up to the crows and arrived at a frozen pond. Do you see what they crows had found below?
I walked to the other side of the frozen pond to see the owl more clearly. My crow buddies were perched in the tall tree nearby. Do you see the owl in the image below?
This is my first time seeing a Great Grey Owl. I crouched and watched. After a few minutes, I wished the owl well and quietly left.
A gracious thanks to my crow buddies, without them I would not have seen this owl.
English - Korean:
Great Grey Owl = 큰회색 올빼미 / keun-hwaesaek olppaemi
Great = 큰 / keun
Grey = 회색 / hwaesaek
Owl = 올빼미 / olppaemi
Fabulous photos!
Love the meditative commentary
Beautiful bird.