So cool! This muskrat portrait is so lovely, with all the silvery background and his peaceful expression. I image muskrats are fairly underrated - I don't often hear them top-of-list for wildlife viewing, but they are really so precious!

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Thanks Sydney! Yes, I've never really paid too much attention to them until the last year or so. Interesting animal and they seem so much into their own world. :)

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So true! These whole intricate lives unfolding under our noses but out of our notice. This happened to us one year when a little meadow vole, who we typically never see as they live their lives in burrows and beneath grasses and mostly at night, made a winter habit of visiting a rock pile beneath our window. Endlessly cute, and the whole family was so tickled to get a peek at him!

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That's an awesome experience and unforgettable encounter with Nature.

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