To deconstruct is to seek simplicity, to get to.the core of who we are, to return to our innocent selves. To return to Love. Our avian friends guide us on this path.

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Really great points Perry. Your point on seeking simplicity truly makes those Natural encounters so meaningful.

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Jun 16Liked by Neil Barker

I love this 🙏🏼

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Jun 16Liked by Neil Barker

At one time I'd have an opinion or observation or aspiration to relate in this. But now, it's getting hard to..the waters are deep.

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Same here Michael. Each day, moment to moment, walls are built and hopefully removed.

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Beautiful images Neil. You can tell this is a male by his wonderful black moustache. Photography invites us into intense contemplation, allowing momentary release from our overheated noggins.

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Thanks John and much appreciated! Good to know about the black moustache as well on the Northern Flicker. So true about photography and contemplation - I find it helps me reflect back on my experiences so much better.

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So true about looking back, but also in the moment of exposure, I find photography quiets my mind. I become intensely quiet. I stop breathing. I wait for that moment of serendipity when the photograph arrives like a gift.

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So many walls indeed! Nature is a helpful way of deconstructing them. Great post and great shots of the flicker—I especially like the one of the heart on the back of the head.

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Thanks James! That's a great point about Nature helping to deconstruct those walls - I find that to the ultimate meditation practice.

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Jun 16Liked by Neil Barker

Wow, thank you for illuminating the heart on the flicker. As well there is a blue color that comes through the photos that is lovely.

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Thankls Emma and happy to share!

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It’s intriguing how nature provides a mirror, reflecting our internal barriers. Sometimes, the act of naming or capturing moments can distance us from the essence of simply being. In those moments of presence, unfiltered and raw, perhaps that’s where true understanding resides.

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Great point augmented man. I used to fanatically try to count and quantifiy my bird sightings and realixed I was missing so much. I like your point about those raw and unfiltered moments perhaps containing true underrstanding. I fully agree.

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Jun 16Liked by Neil Barker

Mmmm yes! Unfiltered true presence

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You clearly have a marvelous hiking spot Neil! Thanks for this lovely post!

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Thanks Pamela and I am fortunate with the Nature in this area!

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You are fortunate!

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Ahhh, one of my favorite favorite birds!!! Loved everything about this post.

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Thanks Sarah Teresa and much appreciated!

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Jun 16Liked by Neil Barker

Amazing 😍 great shots of Flicker

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Thanks Hajra and much appreciated!

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I love when we encounter signs like this along our path, the way the heart on the back of the flicker’s head calls us back to love or our practice of returning back to it. We are always guided by the gentle loving forces of nature 💛

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Thanks Ash and I agree. Those signs from Nature make the experiences and encounters so special and memorable.

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Jun 17Liked by Neil Barker

"So many walls!"

Are they also paths worth taking?

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So true B2. Perhaps the walls we see are actually doors to open new paths.

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Jun 17Liked by Neil Barker

Thank you Neil. Your last picture in particular seems to call ”Northern Flicker” to my heart.

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Thanks Gary and that's great to hear re: the last image.

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Beautiful series with the Northern Flicker who gave you the gift of a close up without walls. Lovely post, Neil.

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Thanks Heidi and much appreciated. Luck and timing!

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