Joy to see morning mate

In a berry bush

Robin’s eggs blue

Spring a-knew.

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Nicely-written, Richard! I like the rhyming of blue/a-knew.

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He looks like a very content robin, soaking up some rays.

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Agreed, Aria. They definitely were enjoying those sunny rays that morning.

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I saw a large flock of them on the ground yesterday. Taking a rest, I suppose, on their migration north. Their call is the quintessential sound of spring for me.

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That is good to hear they're on the move for migration, Ann. I imagine we'll be seeing more up here in the coming weeks. I too like that call they make - especially early in the morning from the treetops - pretty much heralding Spring.

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"Thoughts of tomorrows filled with warmth and beginnings of new life."

This line was especially nourishing--thank you, Neil

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You're welcome, Ann and Spring weather is hopefully not too far away.

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I saw a group of about 6 robin's flitting in a choke cherry tree last week. We are on the cusp between seasons.

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That's great to see, Marlee. Hoping for Spring to appear and more robins arriving.

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Beautiful shots Neil, the color really pops

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Thanks, James - luck and timing that morning!

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This year, they came back from the surrounding woods early, and beat the cedar waxwings to the berries on our holly bushes. Happy to see them, but darn I missed seeing the waxwings up close!

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Hopefully you get a chance to see the Cedar Waxwings up close in the coming weeks. It's been an off year for waxwings up here this Winter. I haven't seen any since maybe December/November 2024. Looking forward to seeing them soon though!

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That's a lovely name for this underappreciated bird.

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Thanks, Thomas and I'm guilty of underappreciating myself sometimes.

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Wonderful post on the Robins, Neil. From your vibrant opening line of the sijo to the beautiful colors of the Robins, this writing is a harbinger of Spring.

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Thanks, Heidi and very much appreciated. Hopefully they do bring Spring soon. This has been a long Winter!

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So bright orange colour of this little cute bird. A beuatiful photos Neil.

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Agreed, Agnes - they're a bright sight and truly remind me Spring is not too far away!

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I thought about Spring when saw your photos Neil. You are lucky to be able to watch them and capture in so close distance.

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Gorgeous! I love the contrast! 🧡

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Thanks, Grace!

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You had me at robin. Love your ode to beautiful beacons, Neil. You captured robin's lovely colors and your photos are a great reminder that spring is near- robin means new beginnings. ; )

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Thanks, Robin and a name most fitting! ;)

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Indeed, love it! ; )

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The texture of the plumage in these photos is amazing. You can see every little detail. I love it. I can't wait to see them pulling worms from the yard...soon!

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Thanks, Nathaniel. I was really lucky to see this robin that morning. By the looks of their plumage, they're eating quite well. Also looking forward to seeing more of them this Spring in warmer weather.

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ah the morning sun filling robins breasts and our hopes for a new day of possibilities; such as sanity, unplanned love, and fresh blueberries in our oatmeal eaten on the porch because the robin declares spring

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Thanks, Nettie. I am really looking forward to Spring and more robins arriving.

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oh I can almost imagine Warblers filling the trees in the park as the bluster of snow yesterday said goodbye to winter..

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