A balanced way to see the cycle, Neil. All is well in either case.

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Thank you Ann. I like how you put that as a balanced way and all is well in either case. Well-said.

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Your Photos are absolutely stunning, what a gorgeous creature.

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Thank you Marilyn and much appreciated. I owe it to luck and timing and Nature. I have come to know the local Cooper's Hawks in this area and they are gorgeous to observe.

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A good series of photos of the hawk. As for the internal conflict, this would be one of the times when I must heed my own advice to let Nature be.

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Thank you Perry and I have found the similar conflict in my encounters with Nature.

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You are fully fledged now and a-wing. Obviously one can't fly away from oneself, so make the flight a good one.

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Thanks Michael and a most excellent koan-like comment!

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thx 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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You're welcome Mr. Ma and thank you.

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Lovely photos of the Cooper's Hawk, what a magnificent bird!

A few days ago, i was waiting to cross the road in the middle of Edinburgh and I looked up to see a Sparrowhawk being chased by two crows, it went on for quite a while and wasn't always clear who was chasing who

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Thanks Juliet. That sounds like an interesting encounter with the Sparrowhawk and the two Crows.

I've found the Crows have tipped me off so many times that there are hawk in the area.

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Neil, wonderful photos and encounter with the Cooper's Hawk. I think the two of you are quite familiar with each other now. Perhaps he waits for you that you may ponder each other. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

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Thanks Pamela. I've been very fortunate this year to have so many memorable encounters with Cooper's Hawks. Happy to share.

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Love this. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks Justin and happy to share.

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Excellent photos Neil. I like your concluding sentiment that we ought to wish Nature well, not just the predator or prey

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Thanks James. This was such a fortunate encounter - luck and timing!

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Great article, Neil. The dynamic in Nature is really highlighted through the poetry and photos and the writing, both in beauty and in the brutal aspects. I hope that you’ll continue to see this Cooper’s Hawk though maturity. What messages they will bring to all of us!

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Thanks Heidi and much appreciated. I am always grateful for these encounters. This year has been an unexpected blessing for seeing Cooper's Hawks. I think they've become a symbol for me in 2024. You're right though about the beauty and brutal aspects. I've seen Cooper's Hawks from both sides. These hawks will forever fascinate me!

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Thank you, Neil. I’ve been seeing Cooper’s Hawks of late, too. They often have aggressive aerial encounters with the Crows. Like a duel of sorts. I’ll look forward to more of your observations!

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This is a beautiful sentiment and I hope I can remember it as well as you did. ❤️

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Thank you Reda and much appreciated!

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wonderful bird appears to think for itself

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Thanks Janoskar and definitely some intelligence behind those eyes.

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I like your stance of wishing Nature well. I feel the same way, hard to root for either side against the other, but rather wishing all to thrive.

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Thanks Emma and that stance is a challenge to maintain for me. A delicate balancing act and I do my best to observe and experience without too much judgement. Not easy though!

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Brilliant article Neil! A good reminder that nature will take its course no matter what we hope for, so all we can do is appreciate what is in front of us. Excellent photos of the Cooper’s hawk!!

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Thank you Amaranta and much appreciated. I was so fortunate that morning. This Cooper's Hawk and their family have become regulars I meet on my hikes at the conservation area.

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Such a beautiful creature, and such stunning photographs! Yes, let's wish Nature well. :)

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Thanks Grace and agreed on wishing Nature well

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Gorgeous portraits, Neil, and a thought-provoking encounter!

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Thanks Sydney and much appreciated!

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