Neil, That is the cutest floofy red squirrel I have ever seen. It must be wearing a think winter coat. Beauitful photos and Sijo. The last line is great. It's perfect.
Neil, That is the cutest floofy red squirrel I have ever seen. It must be wearing a think winter coat. Beauitful photos and Sijo. The last line is great. It's perfect.
Thanks Pamela and very much appreciated! This Red Squirrel most definitely had a good Winter coat that day! I was realy fortunate with the timing of the images and I think this squirrel has come to think of me as the peanut human that leaves snack donations nearby.:)
Neil, That is the cutest floofy red squirrel I have ever seen. It must be wearing a think winter coat. Beauitful photos and Sijo. The last line is great. It's perfect.
Thanks Pamela and very much appreciated! This Red Squirrel most definitely had a good Winter coat that day! I was realy fortunate with the timing of the images and I think this squirrel has come to think of me as the peanut human that leaves snack donations nearby.:)