For years now I've been trying to capture some good shots of our local (European) red squirrel population. Growing up in southeastern Europe, the reds were rather common and the greys didn't exist. A stark contrast to the situation we now have in Ireland where I live.
I had no luck with my squirrel photography so far. They're quite elusive and the population is not in good standing due to habitat loss and squirrelpox after the non-native greys arrived here. However, a couple of woods surveyed showed signs of a small increase in population in recent years, so that's something🤞
Hi Heidi and thankfully they leave the felled trees in the park. I'll have to get some photos someday as the squirrels will use the felled limbs as raised highways running between trees. :)
Would you mind if I used one of these as a reference photo for watercolor painting? I always credit the photographer, and I do not sell my work. I'm just teaching myself to paint, and look for interesting/compelling photos.
Neil, That is the cutest floofy red squirrel I have ever seen. It must be wearing a think winter coat. Beauitful photos and Sijo. The last line is great. It's perfect.
Thanks Pamela and very much appreciated! This Red Squirrel most definitely had a good Winter coat that day! I was realy fortunate with the timing of the images and I think this squirrel has come to think of me as the peanut human that leaves snack donations nearby.:)
What a beautiful squirrel!
Thanks Juliet and fully agreed!
Beautiful colors Neil and I love the last line of your Sijo. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks James and much appreciated.
Agree with James. The last line somehow deeply touched me.
btw, your work is often an antidote to the day's news. Grateful.
Thank you JT and very much appreciated.
Such a gorgeous animal, Neil. You can tell how they feel about the Peanut Guy🤎
Thanks Ann and these Red Squirrels are such characters! They do seem to enjoy the peanuts! :)
If cuteness is a survival factor, they have mastered it.
An extraordinary poem, I think it's one of my favourites (not that it's easy to choose from your other newsletters)!. The photos do it justice too 🐿️
Thank you Ramona and very much appreciated! I'll have to post more about the Red Squirrels in this area and include photos of my peanut donations. :)
I'll be happy to read/see it!
For years now I've been trying to capture some good shots of our local (European) red squirrel population. Growing up in southeastern Europe, the reds were rather common and the greys didn't exist. A stark contrast to the situation we now have in Ireland where I live.
I had no luck with my squirrel photography so far. They're quite elusive and the population is not in good standing due to habitat loss and squirrelpox after the non-native greys arrived here. However, a couple of woods surveyed showed signs of a small increase in population in recent years, so that's something🤞
You might appreciate this brilliant moment captured by a local photographer earlier this month :)
This is in the woods not far from me, so I'll keep my eye and camera ready!
Thanks Ramona and I'll take a look.
Beautiful poem and photos Neil. Your squirrel friend seems hopeful.
Thanks John and much appreciated. This squirrel does seem hopeful. I'll be making a peanut donation this weekend. Hopefully he to see them again.
Lovely photo!
Thanks Thomas- luck and timing!
Love the poem and the photos. I have never seen an American red squirrel. They are beautiful creatures.
Thanks MK CREEL and much appreciated. Hopefully you have the chance someday, they're quite the feisty little characters.
so cute
Agreed Ruth.
The color of the squirrel matching the leaves is fantastic!
Thanks Brian, I was really fortunate with the timing and the pati is this squirrel!
I love the many meanings that accompany - "much remains hidden." The roots, the story, the great mysteries of life... all there for contemplation.
Thanks Scot. I was thinking of those roots when I looked at this photograph again this morning before writing this sijo.
Beautiful post, Neil. The sijo is outstanding and although I didn't think it possible, this squirrel is the cutest furbaby ever.
Thanks Heidi and very much appreciated. These Red Squirrels are some of my favourite critters to see on my hikes. :)
It does seem like their feeling for you is mutual! Does the park leave the felled trees on the ground? That would be good habitat for critters.
Hi Heidi and thankfully they leave the felled trees in the park. I'll have to get some photos someday as the squirrels will use the felled limbs as raised highways running between trees. :)
Would you mind if I used one of these as a reference photo for watercolor painting? I always credit the photographer, and I do not sell my work. I'm just teaching myself to paint, and look for interesting/compelling photos.
Hello Suzy and thank you. I do not mind at all and please feel free to use any of my photos as inspiration for you watercolour painting.
Neil, That is the cutest floofy red squirrel I have ever seen. It must be wearing a think winter coat. Beauitful photos and Sijo. The last line is great. It's perfect.
Thanks Pamela and very much appreciated! This Red Squirrel most definitely had a good Winter coat that day! I was realy fortunate with the timing of the images and I think this squirrel has come to think of me as the peanut human that leaves snack donations nearby.:)
Neil those photos are exceptional!!
Thank you Emma and much appreciated!
Lovely photos, colors, sentiments- all of it, Neil, excellent!
What a beautiful squirrel! Adorable!
Thanks Robin and agreed!